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Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I have ventured into an item that I haven't made before...buttons!
I have considered making some "supply" items like loose beads and pendants, and thought about buttons.  Buttons are used for...well...sewing...duh...but also scrapbooking.
I would like some feedback from those who sew and scrapbook, please!


  1. Hello! I'm starting to work with polymer and I enjoy learning from your blog. I'm passing the One Lovely Blog Award on to you. See my recent post for details http://peaceofgracedesigns.blogspot.com/

  2. Thank you!!
    I'm glad my posts are helpful! I checked out your Etsy shop and am impressed. I would like to learn about the wire wrapping! I like the wire wrapped rings and would like to be able to make those with PC beads and cabochons.
    Thank you again and I will visit your blog as well. Please feel free to ask questions and offer what you've learned here on my blog.
