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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The 'One Lovely Blog Award'

Peace of Grace gave this award to my blog!
Thank you PeaceofGraceDesigns!

This award is to be passed along to 15 other bloggers and the recipients share 7 things about themselves.
hmmmm.....let's see....7 things about me...

1.   I am probably too old to be playing with clay!!  LOL  But...that's okay!  I enjoy seeing something tangible that I made.  Some may like it, some may not, but that's okay too...otherwise we'd all have the same favorite shoes if we all liked the same things!

2. I probably have what many consider an odd sense of humor.  I discovered a long time ago that many don't "get" my humor...but there's humor in that itself!  Irony in life...the best entertainment. 

3.  The inside of my car is usually messy!  Who has time to clean out the car and make cool clay stuff, I ask you?

4.  I think God did a good thing when he made dogs and horses.

5.  I'm a night owl. I stay up way too late (usually working with clay) and can NEVER get up in the morning without a struggle.  I don't do mornings well.  Not well at all.

6.  I think this is harder than it seems it would be...

7.  I think that hot fudge is one of the greatest inventions EVER!

I am still in the process of collecting the 15 blogs to pass this very nice award on to... stay tuned...