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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gift & Keepsake Box

Again...my apologies for the crude pictures, but I have been so very busy getting ready for the Flea Market that I haven't had the time to spend on decent photographs.  BUT hopefully many of these will sell at the Flea Market and I won't be listing them online for sale.

This tin isn't as elaborate as some I've made, but I kind of liked the simplicity of it -- particularly with the phrases.

These make great keepsake boxes or gift boxes.  They are hinged-lid tins (like the kind the mints come in, but I ordered them from a supplier, so they were never used for mints). I cover them in clay and embellish them and then put some inserts inside - foam craft sheets cut to size.

These need to be planned out somewhat or else you won't have any way to hold the tin while you cover it! Cover the top first while holding it by the bottom.  You can close the lid or leave it open.  Cure the clay.   Then cover the bottom using the closed lid as a guide. You don't want to cover the bottom completely on the sides or the lid won't close.  You'll also have to cut out around the hinges on the lid and bottom so the lid has room to open.  You can either make the clay real thin below the hinges or cut it away completely.  Just test it before you cure or your clay will break off when you open the box after curing.  Just remember the clay on the lid will be in the oven twice!  (or more depending on how you layer it.)  Don't overbake!  It will crack for sure! 

I like the ball feet on the bottom, but it doesn't have to have feet or it can have a different style other than ball feet.

A great gift box to make for a special gift -- and it doesn't need wrapping.  You could tie it up in tissue paper or netting or just put it under the tree (unless you have dogs...they like to eat the clay!!!  This is NOT good! Very bad for the puppies! And it doesn't leave the box looking very nice either!)  Just a tip.

This particular box would make a great gift box for a wedding gift from groom to bride, etc.

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